Books by CAPuS project team members
Szmelter, I.; Gwardziňska, Z.; Sawicki, T. & Kowalik, A. 2021. Urban Art – and what next? The issues of preservation of contemporary art. Warsaw: Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.
Szmelter, I.; Gwardziňska, Z.; Sawicki, T. & Kowalik, A. 2021. Urban art – i co dalej? Zagadnienia ochrony sztuki współczesnej. Warszawa: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie.
Conference papers and peer reviewed journal articles by CAPuS project team members
Ricci, C.; Croveri, P.; Scarcella, A.; Sunara, S.M.; Tabak, T.; Bertasa, M.; Scalarone, D. 2023. Tools to Document and Disseminate the Conservation of Urban Art: the Experience of the CAPuS Project. Document | Archive | Disseminate Graffiti-Scapes, 188–202.
Link: https://doi.org/10.48619/indigo.v0i0.709
Alonso-Villar, E.M.; Rivas, T.; Pozo-Antonio, J.S.; Pellis, G.; Scalarone, D. 2023. Efficacy of Colour Protectors in Urban Art Paintings under Different Conditions: From a Real Mural to the Laboratory. Heritage 6, 3475–3498.
Link: https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage6040185
Pozo-Antonio, J.S; Alonso-Villar, E.M.; Rivas, T., Márquez, I. 2023. Evaluation of a protective acrylic finish applied to surfaces painted with acrylic paints for outdoor or indoor uses. Dyes Pigm. 212 (2023) 111141.
Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dyepig.2023.111141
Sunara, S.M. 2022. Park skulptura Željezare Sisak u digitalnom repozitoriju projekta Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS). Godišnjak zaštite spomenika kulture Hrvatske 45 (2021).
Link: https://hrcak.srce.hr/292056
Rivas, T.; Alonso-Villar, E.M.; Pozo-Antonio, J.S. 2022. Forms and factors of deterioration of urban art murals under humid temperate climate; influence of environment and material properties. The European Physical Journal Plus 137, 1257 (2022).
Link: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-03473-1
Lasala, T.; Vindigni, F.; Scalarone, D.; Gulmini, M; Croveri, P.; Ricci, C. & Scarcella, A. 2022. CAPuS e-learning platform for the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’22), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, pp. 291–298.
Pellis, G.; Bertasa, M.; Ricci, C.; Scarcella, A.; Croveri, P.; Poli, T. & Scalarone, D. 2022. A multi-analytical approach for precise identification of alkyd spray paints and for a better understanding of their ageing behaviour in graffiti and urban artworks. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 165 (2022): 105576.
Alonso-Villar, E.M.; Rivas, T. & Pozo-Antonio, J.S. 2022. Sol-Silicate versus organic paints: Durability after outdoor and ultraviolet radiation exposures. Progress in Organic Coatings. 168 (2022) 106843.
Cimino, D.; Lamuraglia, R.; Saccani, I.; Berzioli, M. & Caterina, F. 2022. Assessing the (In)Stability of Urban Art Paints: From Real Case Studies to Laboratory Investigations of Degradation Processes and Preservation Possibilities. Heritage 5(2): 581–609.
Pozo-Antonio, J.S.; Rivas, T.; González, N. & Alonso-Villar, E.M. 2022. Deterioration of graffiti spray paints applied on granite after a decade of natural environment. Science of The Total Environment. 826 (2022): 154169
Rousaki, A.; Vandenabeele, P.; Berzioli, M.; Saccani, I.; Fornasini, L. & Bersani, D. 2022. An in-and-out-the-lab Raman spectroscopy study on street art murals from Reggio Emilia in Italy. The European Physics Journal Plus 137: 252.
Lasala, T.; Vindigni, F.; Ricci, C.; Scarcella, A.; Croveri, P.; Scalarone, D. & Gulmini, M. 2021. Conservazione dell’arte negli spazi pubblici: la piattaforma didattica CAPuS. Atti del MoodleMoot Italia, pp. 113–121.
Alonso-Villar, E.M.; Rivas T. & Pozo Antonio, J.S. 2021. Resistance to artificial daylight of paints used in urban artworks. Influence of paint composition and substrate. Progress in Organic Coatings 154, pp. 1–15.
Bertasa, M.; Ricci, C.; Scarcella, A.; Zenucchini, F.; Pellis, G.; Croveri, P. & Scalarone, D. 2020. Overcoming Challenges in Street Art Murals Conservation: A Comparative Study on Cleaning Approach and Methodology. Coatings 10(11): 1019.
Scalarone, D.; Bertasa, M.; Croveri, P.; Cardinali, M.; Stoisa, S.; Ricci, C.; Saccani, I.; Cavanna, G.; Bestetti, R.; Riggiardi, D. & Tibiletti, A. 2020. CAPuS project: considerazioni sui supporti nella street art attraverso la voce degli artisti. In: Atti del 8° Congresso Internazionale COLORE E CONSERVAZIONE 2018, 23–24 Novembre 2018, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, IL PRATO, pp. 266–280.
Rivas, T.; Alonso-Villar, E.M. & Pozo Antonio, J.S. 2019. Deterioration of art in public spaces: first assessment of the problems for its conservation. In: Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage : Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models.
Link (abstract)
Bertasa, M.; P. Croveri, P.; Saccani, I. & Scalarone, D. 2019. Il progetto CAPuS: la sfida europea per conservare l’arte pubblica. Dossier Street art, Kermes, Restauro Conservazione e Tutela del Patrimonio Culturale 109, pp. 66–70.
Lasala, T.; Vindigni, F.; Scalarone, D. & Gulmini, M. 2019. Una sperimentazione di un intervento formativo: il Progetto CAPus. Atti del convegno MoodleMoot Italia, pp. 113–116.
Sunara, S.M.; Miletić Čakširan, I. & Peko, N. 2018. Preventive Conservation in an Outdoor Sculpture Collection. In: Preventive Conservation: The State of the Art : IIC 2018 Turin Congress preprints, pp. 428–430.
Conference posters by CAPuS project team members
Ricci, C.; Scarcella, A.; Croveri, P.; Gulmini, M.; Scalarone, D. 2022. Shared Guidelines for the Conservation of Public Urban Art: The CAPuS Project
Scalarone, D. 2022. The CAPuS e-Learning Platform for the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces. Poster presented at the Conservation Science Education Online (CSEO) Conference. Online event.
Poster (PDF)
Video presentation
Sunara, S.M. 2022. The Digital Repository of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project. Poster presented at the International Meeting of Conservators-Restorers 2022. Brežice, Slovenia.
Poster (PDF)
Sunara, S.M. 2020. 8. konzervatorsko-restauratorska radionica
u Parku skulptura Željezare Sisak [The eighth conservation-restoration workshop in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park]. Poster presented at the International Meeting of Conservators-Restorers 2020. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Poster (PDF)
Extended abstract (p. 205, 234)
Bertasa, M.; Ricci, C.; Poli, T.; Gulmini, M.; Croveri, P.; Scarcella, A. & Scalarone, D. 2019. CAPuS project and the European challenge to conserve Street Art: characterisation of painting materials and degradation of the pictorial layer. Poster presented at the Technart 2019 Conference. Bruges, Belgium.
Bertasa, M.; Ricci, C.; Gulmini, M.; Croveri, P. & Scalarone, D. 2019. Painting materials and decay phenomena in urban art: the case of the Urban Art Museum in Turin. Poster presented at AIAr2019. Reggio Calabria, Italy.
Bertasa, M.; Ricci, C.; Poli, T.; Scarcella, A.; Stoisa, S.; Abram, S.; Croveri, P. & Scalarone, D. 2019. The memorial mural of the ThyssenKrupp tragedy in Turin: artistic process and diagnostic protocol. Poster presented at XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica dell’Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali (ABC). Urbino, Italy.
Scalarone, D.; Bertasa, M.; Croveri, P.; Gulmini, M.; Saccani, I. & Poli, T. 2018. Conservation of Art in Public Spaces: the CAPuS project. Poster presented at XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica dell’Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali (ABC). Genova, Italy.
Sunara, S.M. 2018. Of art and men: the conservator as story collector. Poster presented at the international symposium “Acting in Contemporary Art Conservation" (SBMK Summit). Amersfoort and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Sunara, S.M.; Miletić Čakširan, I. & Peko, N. 2018. Preventive conservation in an outdoor sculpture collection. Poster presented at the IIC 27th Biennial Congress “Preventive Conservation: The State of the Art". Turin, Italy.
Poster (PDF)
Student thesis related to the CAPuS project
Mikuła, K. 2021. Conservation and Restoration of the mural Stiltwalkers of Linas Domarackas. MA thesis. Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland. Thesis supervisors: Sawicki, T. & Szmelter, I.
D’amico, L. 2021. Street art and graffiti painting materials: chemical characterisation and analytical evaluation of the efficacy of cleaning treatments. MA thesis. University of Turin, Italy.
Hudinčec, J. 2020. Contribution to the study of the sculptural works produced in the Sisak Steelworks Artists’ Colony (1971 – 1990). MA thesis (topic B). University of Split, Croatia. Thesis supervisor: Sunara, S.M.
Lamuraglia, R. 2020. Evaluation of anti UV and anti graffiti coatings for contemporary paints in Urban Art. MA thesis. University of Ca’ Foscari. Venice, Italy. Thesis supervised by CESMAR7 and ANTARES team.
Vázquez Barreiro, E. 2020. Efficacy of sol-silicate paints exposed to marine atmospheres. BA thesis. University of Vigo, Spain. Thesis supervisors: Pozo Antonio, J.S. & Alonso-Villar, E.M.
2019. Public Art Conservation Project: Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Applied to the Study of Mural Pigments. BA thesis. University of Parma, Italy. Thesis supervised by CESMAR7 and ANTARES team.
Gonzalez Márquez, N. 2019. Evaluation of the Deterioration of Graffiti Paints Applied on Granite and Exposed to Natural Environment. MA thesis. University of Vigo, Spain. Thesis supervisor: Pozo Antonio, J.S.
Márquez Janeiro, I. 2019. Accelerated Ageing of Acrylic Paints Applied on Concrete and Brick by Solar Radiation Test: Effect of a Protector Layer. MA thesis. University of Vigo, Spain. Supervisors: Pozo Antonio, J.S. & Alonso-Villar, E.M.
CAPuS project team members have also published articles in magazines, newsletters, newspapers and on their institutional webpages. Information on these publications can be found in the WP10 Final Report, which is available here.