8th Conservation-Restoration Workshop in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park
The 8th Conservation- Restoration Workshop in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park took place in Sisak, Croatia, from 17th to 23rd June 2019. The workshop was organized and led by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split). Sisak Municipal Museum provided a space for lectures, and the Museum’s conservator-restorer Neven Peko transported the participants to and from the sculpture park. Accompanied by Moira Bertasa, researcher at the Chemistry Department of the University of Turin, five conservation-restoration students from Turin participated in the workshop: Anna Collarin, Valeria Gugliermina, Gaia Pachì, Cristina Scarrone and Camila Ayelen......

Poster Prize Award for the University of Turin team at the Technart Conference 2019 in Bruges, Belgium
The CAPuS staff of the University of Turin presented  the poster “CAPuS project and the European challenge to conserve Street Art: characterization of painting materials and degradation of the pictorial layer” (M. Bertasa ,C. Ricci, T. Poli, M. Gulmini , P. Croveri , A. Scarcella, D. Scalarone) at Technart Conference 2019, The European conference on the use of analytical methods for Characterisation of Works of Art, held in Bruges, Belgium, from 7 to 10 May 2019. The research was focused on the results of an analytical campaign on painting materials from contemporary......