CAPuS project presented at the 15th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies in Split, Croatia

The Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project was briefly presented at the 15th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies, which took place in Split, Croatia, from April 26 to April 28, 2018. The conference, organized by the Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy in Split, brought together around 100 participants from five countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, and Serbia.

The presentation was delivered by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split, Croatia), leader of the Croatian research team. Three Croatian institutions are participating in the CAPuS project: the University of Split, METRIS (the Research Centre for Metals in the Region of Istria), and the Sisak Municipal Museum. Croatian researchers will focus on the sculptures from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park.

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