Jelena Hudinčec (University of Split – Arts Academy) defends MA theses related to the CAPuS project

Jelena Hudinčec, a conservation-restoration student at the University of Split – Arts Academy, successfully defended her MA thesis on September 30, 2020. Jelena has been nominated for the Dean’s Award and the Dean’s Special Award for the part of her thesis devoted to the study of the sculptural works produced in the Sisak Steelworks Artists’ Colony (1971 – 1990). This study is related to the Conservation of Art in Public (CAPuS) project, and was conducted under the supervision of Dr Sagita Mirjam Sunara.
As part of her MA thesis, Jelena produced the first bibliography of newspaper articles about the Sisak Steelworks Artists’ Colony. This bibliography contains 660 entries accompanied with annotations related to the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park, and is essential for the future digitisation of the old newspaper articles. It will also be an indispensable resource for heritage experts who (will) study and care for the Sisak sculptures.
Jelena also produced the first comprehensive overview of sculptural works made in the Sisak Steelworks Artists’ Colony, as well as an overview of the image material related to these works.
In addition, she collected and systematised image material for the sculptures of 28 artists who participated in the Colony, but whose artworks have not been preserved. Jelena’s work enables future searches for the missing pieces.
Through her extensive research Jelena compiled a wealth of data about the Sisak sculptures, information that has been included in her thesis.
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