Project updates
Second meeting of the CAPuS project (Split, Croatia)
The second meeting of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project was held on July 12, 2018 at the University of Split, Croatia. Each team presented the artworks...
December 11, 2019
Project updates
Work Package 2 (Socio-cultural collocation of the artworks): Final Report
Work package 2, which focuses on socio-cultural collocation of the selected artworks, has been completed. This work package constitutes the bases for all following packages.
July 29, 2019
Project updates
CAPuS Facebook page launched
With the aim of enhancing our social media presence, we have launched a Facebook page. If you want to keep up to date with our news, events, and more, join...
June 21, 2018
CAPuS project presented at the 6th International Art and Restoration Fair in Florence, Italy
Ilaria Saccani (CESMAR7, Italy) and Michela Berzoli (AN.T.A. RES, Italy) presented the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project at the 6th International Art and Restoration Fair in Florence...
June 21, 2018
Project updates
Kick-off meeting of the CAPuS project (Turin, Italy)
The kick-off meeting of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project was held on March 15 and 16, 2018 at the Department of Chemistry of the University of...