The recordings of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) final event, which took place online on June 4–5, 2021, are available on YouTube:
Recording of Day 1
- Project overview – Dominique Maria Scalarone (CAPuS team leader, University of Turin)
- CAPuS Digital Repository – Sagita Mirjam Sunara (CAPuS team, University of Split)
- Time and again; interviews and time-lines as enhanced documentation for the future conservation of public artworks – Lydia Beerkens (SRAL Art Conservation and Research, Maastricht)
- Turin guidelines for urban art and muralism – Marco Ciari (Municipality of Turin)
- Identification of materials and degradation products in urban art works – Santiago Pozo (CAPuS team, University of Vigo) and Josipa Bilić (CAPuS team, METRIS Research Centre)
- Analytical methods for the characterisation of public art materials – Francesca Modugno (University of Pisa)
- Testing of products – Michela Berzioli (CAPuS team, AN.T.A.RES srl)
- Testing of removal methods for degraded coatings and of new coating systems for application on sculptures from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park – Neven Peko (CAPuS team, Sisak Municipal Museum)
Recording of Day 2
- CAPuS Glossary – Paola Croveri (CAPuS team, La Venaria Reale Conservation-Restoration Centre) & Marc Mascort i Boix (CAPuS team, Montana Colors S.L.)
- Conservation guidelines for art works in public spaces – Arianna Scarcella (CAPuS team, La Venaria Reale Conservation-Restoration Centre)
- The ephemeral character of urban art and conservation. A methodological dilemma – Elena GarcĂa Gayo, Rosa Gasol (The Spanish Group of the International Institute for Conservation Conservation)
- Research and restoration of contemporary artworks. Materials used by Keith Haring – Antonio Rava (Societa’ Rava E C. srl)
- Crowdfunding campaign & Conservation intervention in Reggio Emilia – Ilaria Saccani (CAPuS team, CESMAR7)
- CAPuS teaching modules (for HEIs & for professionals) – Monica Gulmini (CAPuS team, University of Turin) and Ilaria Saccani (CAPuS team, CESMAR7)
- Conservation of street art: experiences in teaching and training programmes – Maria Chatzidakis (Technological Educational Institute of Athens)
- An insight of a PhD student within the CAPuS project: research and personal experience [short presentation] – Enrique Manuel Alonso Villar (CAPuS team, University of Vigo)
- The research into the sculptural production of the Sisak Steelworks Fine Artists’ Colony [short presentation] – Jelena Hudinčec (CAPuS student, University of Split)
- Painting materials in street art and graffiti: chemical characterisation and analytical evaluation of the effectiveness of cleaning treatments [short presentation] – Giulia Pellis (CAPuS student, University of Turin)