Webinar “Materials and Methods for Public Art Conservation. Strategies for contemporary murals”

“MATERIALS AND METHODS FOR PUBLIC ART CONSERVATION. STRATEGIES FOR CONTEMPORARY MURALS” (8-9-10 April, 2021) organized by CESMAR7 ended successfully and with a wide and lively participation. During the three days event, contributions on project results from all the partnership teams alternated with helpful insights for restorers and conservators. The first day opened with Dominique Scalarone (University of Turin, project leader) and saw various speakers on evolution of art in public spaces issues, with the contributions of Maria Fratelli and Clara Amodeo (journalist, Another Scratch in the Wall); subsequently the discussion moved on to artists’ interview topic and dialogue with the context through the contributions of Grazia Cavanna and Alessandra Tibiletti, then concluded with Roberto Bestetti’s report on street art materials and technique. There were numerous questions from participants and the resulting discussion was very interesting. The second day was devoted to the materials degradation in contemporary murals and analytical techniques for their characterization with Michela Berzioli (AN.T.A RES  srl) and Ilaria Saccani, then moving on to the intervention phases, with the reports of Davide Riggiardi and Simone Parma on consolidation and Ilaria Saccani on cleaning topic. Also in this case, the participation generated fruitful questions and a profitable exchange. The third day saw an in-depth study on murals biological degradation with Matteo Montanari and on coatings (Michela Berzioli Ilaria Saccani), ending with short presentations of case studies proposed by the participants themselves and the related round table.

The recordings of the entire event are available in both Italian and English




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