The documentary ‘Time Has Not Helped’ now available on Vimeo (with English subtitles)
The documentary Time Has Not Helped (director: Dragan Đokić / Studio Baranda, producer: Sagita Mirjam Sunara / University of Split – Arts Academy) is now freely available on Vimeo: link The film talks about the monumental 1984 painted metal sculpture Door by Branko Ružić from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park in Sisak, Croatia, which is in a poor state of preservation. It highlights the research that should precede conservation-restoration works on outdoor sculptures, from the study of the art-historical context to the exploration of the artist’s opinion concerning material deterioration and artwork......

Online workshop on research in conservation-restoration of outdoor sculptures organised by the University of Split – Arts Academy
An online workshop on research related to the conservation-restoration of outdoor metal sculptures was held from December 16, 2020 to February 2, 2021. The workshop was organised and led by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split – Arts Academy), and was delivered on Facebook. It was open to students of conservation-restoration study programmes in Croatia and neighbouring countries. The workshop had 25 registered participants; conservation-restoration students from universities in Split, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). There were also two participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina who had a Bachelor’s degree in......

The documentary ‘Time Has Not Helped’ screened at the 6th International Archaeology Film Festival – MFAF in Split, Croatia
The documentary Time Has Not Helped (director: Dragan Đokić / Studio Baranda, producer: Sagita Mirjam Sunara / University of Split – Arts Academy), which is one of the outputs of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project, was included in the competition program of the 6th MFAF festival – an international festival of archaeology, cultural and historical heritage, monument protection and anthropology documentary film. The festival is organised biennially by the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split, Croatia. The 2020 edition was held from November 4 to 6, and......

Poster presentation at the 20th International Meeting of Conservators-Restorers in Slovenia
At the 20th International Meeting of Conservators-Restorers, which was organised by the Conservator-Restorers’ Society of Slovenia and held online in October 2020, Dr Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split – Arts Academy) presented a poster about the 8th Conservation-Restoration Workshop in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park. This workshop was part of the CAPuS project and was held in Sisak, from 17 to 23 June 2019. It was intended for conservation-restoration students of the University of Turin, and covered several topics: the history of the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park and the efforts to......

Jelena Hudinčec (University of Split – Arts Academy) defends MA theses related to the CAPuS project
Jelena Hudinčec, a conservation-restoration student at the University of Split – Arts Academy, successfully defended her MA thesis on September 30, 2020. Jelena has been nominated for the Dean’s Award and the Dean’s Special Award for the part of her thesis devoted to the study of the sculptural works produced in the Sisak Steelworks Artists’ Colony (1971 – 1990). This study is related to the Conservation of Art in Public (CAPuS) project, and was conducted under the supervision of Dr Sagita Mirjam Sunara. As part of her MA thesis, Jelena produced the......

Presentation of CAPuS educational activities at the 2020 European Heritage Days in Croatia
On September 29, 2020 Dr Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split – Arts Academy) delivered an online lecture “Protection of artworks in public spaces: educational activities carried out as a part of the international project Conservation of Art in Public Spaces / CAPuS”. The lecture was part of the 2020 European Heritage Days ‘Heritage and Education – Learning for Life’. It was streamed on the Facebook page of the Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy in Split, and the recording can be viewed here. Sunara gave an overview of the educational activities......

Presentation of the CAPuS Digital Repository at the ICON Scotland Group’s ‘Take 5’ webinar
Dr Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split – Arts Academy) presented the Digital Repository of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project at the ICON Scotland Group’s ‘Take 5’ webinar on September 9, 2020. ‘Take 5’ webinars are online events with 5-minute presentations by 5 different conservator-restorers about some of their recent projects. In her brief talk Sunara explained that CAPuS Digital Repository will provide open access to a wealth of information about the contemporary public artworks that were studied during the project, from recordings of artist interviews to treatment......

The presentation of the documentary ‘Time Has Not Helped’ in Split, Croatia
The presentation of the documentary Vrijeme nije pomoglo (Time Has Not Helped) in Split, Croatia, took place on December 9, 2019 at the famous Zlatna vrata (Golden Gates) Cinematheque. The movie was presented by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split), who co-authored the film with Dragan Đokić (Studio Baranda). The film was produced with funds that the University of Split received for the implementation of the CAPuS project. Time Has Not Helped focuses on the monumental outdoor sculpture Door that artist Branko Ružić (1919 – 1997) produced in Sisak in 1984. Badly......

An unexpected project outcome: from artist interview to autobiography book
As a part of the CAPuS project, in June 2018 Sagita Mirjam Sunara and Tina Tomšič (University of Split) interviewed Jelena Trpković, an artist who participated in the Sisak Steelworks Fine Artists’ Colony in 1980. Although Trpković did not produce a sculpture in Sisak (she is a painter), through the interview she contributed to the research into the history of the colony and the context in which the artworks were created. Before the interview Trpković revealed that during her stay in Sisak she exchanged letters with her husband, in which she gave......

Raising public awareness of outdoor sculpture preservation issues through an exhibition and a documentary
Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split) and Romana Tekić (Slavonski Brod Art Gallery) authored the exhibition Door, Variations, which showcased ten works by the renowned Croatian sculptor Branko Ružić (1919 – 1997), all on the theme of the door. The exhibition aimed to commemorate the centenary of Ružić’s birth, and to point out the importance of conservation-restoration works for the purpose of preserving outdoor sculptures. The exhibition was held in Slavonski Brod (The Vladimir Becić Art Salon, September 12 – October 9, 2019) and Sisak (Sisak Municipal Musem, October 15 – November......