A group of conservation-restoration students of the Arts Academy in Split participated in a theoretical and practical workshop focused on the preservation, interpretation and stewardship of outdoor sculpture, which took place in Sisak, Croatia, from September 24th to September 30th, 2018. The 7th Conservation-Restoration Workshop in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park was organized and led by Dr Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split), with assistance from Tina Tomšič, intern at the Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy in Split. Six students participated in the workshop: Jelena Hudinčec (5th year), Tamara Kaličanin (4th year), Lucija Jolić (3rd year), Lucija Vrdoljak (3rd year), Nađa Tomašević (3rd year) and Kasija Rnjak (2nd year). The workshop was funded through the CAPuS project. A small grant from the Sisak-Moslavina County was used to cover some of the expenses.
During the workshop students studied the literature on conservation-restoration of outdoor sculpture written in English, explored the vocabulary used to describe the condition of painted outdoor sculptures, produced graphic documentation of the present condition of one sculpture (Branko Ružić’s monumental relief Door of 1984), helped create photographic documentation for the future CAPuS illustrated glossary and wrote interpretative texts for several sculptures from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park.

IT expert Toni Tabak (University of Split) captured drone shots of the Park, and acquainted the workshop participants with the use of a 3D camera and scanner for documentation of historic interiors. A 3D scan he produced of a part of the former Sisak Steelworks can be viewed here.
Boris Cvjetanović, a renowned Croatian photographer, visited Sisak during the workshop. He was commissioned to photograph the sculptures for the future Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park website.
Workshop participants published daily posts on their activities on the Stažiranje među umjetninama (Internship Among Artworks) blog:
- Nađa Tomašević, “7. konzervatorsko-restauratorska radionica u Parku skulptura Željezare Sisak i sudjelovanje u projektu CAPuS” (published on October 7, 2018)
- Lucija Vrdoljak, “Skulpture na otvorenom: stručni termini kojima se opisuju oštećenja i promjene na materijalu” (published on October 8, 2018)
- Lucija Jolić, “Ružićeva Vrata iz Parka skulptura Željezare Sisak: grafičko dokumentiranje degradacija” (published on October 10, 2018)
- Jelena Hudinčec, “Intervju s fotografom Miroslavom Arbutinom Arbeom” (published on October 11, 2018)
- Tamara Kaličanin, “Obilazak tvorničkih hala i posjet obrtu Korzo” (published on October 14, 2018)
- Jelena Hudinčec, “Razgovor ugodni sa stanovnicima radničkoga naselja Željezara” (published on December 26, 2018)
- Sagita Mirjam Sunara, “Od fotoaparata do Google Street View tehnologije” (published on December 27, 2018)
- Nađa Tomašević, “Kako ispričati priču? Koju priču ispričati?” (published on December 30, 2018)
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